Red Lime Marmalade Pancakes with Sunny Citrus Syrup

Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook Time: 10 minutes
- Use your favorite pancake or Bisquick mix.
- Put in the amount of milk and eggs for 14 pancakes.
- Add ½ cup of Cheri’s Az Red Lime Marmalade to the batter and mix well
- Heat a large frying pan on medium heat with a little oil.
- Use an ice cream scooper to ladle the batter into the hot pan.
- Turn over the pancakes when bubbles appear and cook until lightly browned.
- Stack the pancakes on the plates.
Put a pat of butter on each pancake. Garnish with some segments of an orange. Drizzle Cheri’s Sunny Citrus Syrup over the top. Enjoy! Delicious!!!!!